Seminario MAVIR: Lluís Màrquez Imprimir E-mail

Seminario MAVIR

Lluís Màrquez: Statistical Learning for Structured Natural Language Processing

12-13 de diciembre de 2006


Lugar de celebración

Salón de Actos. Fac. CC Económicas y Empresariales, UNED
Paseo Senda del Rey, 11
Ciudad Universitaria
E-28040 Madrid


In this seminar, we will present the statistical learning approach for dealing with the annotation of natural language structures. In doing that, we will overview several techniques and methods from the Machine Learning (ML) literature, including the following topics:

  • Generative Models

  • Discriminative learning for sequential labeling tasks

  • The learning-and-inference paradigm (an ILP approach to reason with constraints)

  • Re-ranking techniques for working with complete solution candidates

  • Global linear models for structure learning, including some SVM-like algorithms to train them

Some problems that might serve as basic examples of the preceding topics are: partial and full parsing, extraction of named entities and relations, and semantic role labeling.









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